Thursday, January 26, 2017

Introductory Post

Hello everyone
This first blog post will serve as my opportunity to share with you more information about my research project. This will include my research question, data collection methods, as well as the overall goals of my project.

My research project question: Are there any persisting school culture differences, that allow a BASIS student to adapt better or differently to the BASIS model that each school implements?

Having been a BASIS high school student for the past four years at the Ahwatukee location, the constant exposure to a diverse community of students, all who come from various unique backgrounds, has led me to inquire about my curiosities and answering questions like the one I’ve presented. As the number of charter schools in the United States is on the rise, students and families face an incredible diversity of choice when selecting a competitive school program. The BASIS academic program, which was first introduced by Michael and Olga Block when they opened BASIS Tucson in 1998. As time progressed, BASIS has found its place as they continue to dominate US News, World Report Lists, and Washington Post as offering the most rigorous academic programs in the country. These rigorous programs can be found at any one of the 29 BASIS campuses. With schools  located in the United States, internationally, and more planned to open in the next several years, an evolvement in the development of BASIS schools is inevitable. Part of this development will take place directly on campus, impacting the culture of each school, even though they implement the same model and programs. Thus far, an analysis of the BASIS model reveals one challenge BASIS schools currently face: the culture of the school affecting its ability to meet the needs and desires of most students. However, being that most BASIS campuses are charter schools,  the charter school system directly plays a role in the schools upheld requirement and ability to meet the needs of its students. By interviewing students and faculty at both the Washington DC and Ahwatukee campuses, I hope to establish and articulate what is the culture of these differing campuses and how this impacts the school's ability to meet the needs of its students. Conducting this research will provide students and faculty an opportunity to reflect on this overall experience, and provide a perspective from that of a student and administrator/teacher, to understand the complexity of our BASIS community that has been shaped by a culture and mentality.

That being said, while interning at both locations, one of which I'm familiar with the environment and culture, I will be using student surveys and interviews to get a sense of how students would describe their experience at BASIS. Listed below are the questions that I plan to include in these student surveys/questionnaires.

1.    What grade are you in?
2.    What is your ethnicity?
3.    How long have you attended BASIS, and what grade did you enter?
4.    Do you like attending you school? Why or why not?
5.    Do you feel that your school offers the resources needed for you to be successful? Why or why not?
6.    What are some of your goals for the future?
7.    If you have attended another school prior to coming to BASIS, how does BASIS compare to the other school?
8.    When it comes to academics, are your parents usually involved, or do you consider yourself to be independent in this area?
9.    How would you describe the environment/culture of your school?
10. What would you consider to be a high point in your time at BASIS? What would you consider to a low point?

Along with this, I will be researching more into charter schools and how they function. Being that BASIS schools are charter schools, I believe that being so, plays an important role in a way that gives these students access to certain resources, that they potentially wouldn’t have access to at regular public schools. However, there seems to be a difference in the quality of education on the east coast as compared to the west coast. So, another one of my tasks will not only be to just research charter schools but to see how charter schools differ from coast to coast, and seeing how this ultimately impacts a student’s educational experience. To help me with this, I will be attending a D.C Charter School Conference on February 16th as well reading a book titled, The Evolution & Revolution of DC Charter Schools: A Transformation of Public Education in Washington DC, by Josephine C. Baker.
By doing this project, I hope to accomplish goals such as building relationships with students on both campuses. This will not only be an opportunity for them to share their experiences with me but, as well as an opportunity for me to share my experiences with them and share how I was successful throughout my time of attendance. I hope that through my research, I receive insightful experiences from students and their families on what shaped their BASIS experience, and to hopefully articulate the school cultures of both campuses.
You can check back here on February 10th for my next post, and stay tuned for upcoming new and exciting information. Thanks for stopping by!

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